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[Sticky] Mission

The Catholic State
Posts: 39
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Crusader King
Joined: 2 years ago


The mission of the Catholic State is to create a society where Christ the King is not only the King of our hearts, but also the King of society.

We believe in integralism and that the separation of Church and State is evil, per orthodox Catholic teaching.

We also believe that the Church has enemies that are threatening it from the outside (Jews, Muslims, Protestant-Heretics, Eastern Heterodox, Freemasons, Communists, Sodomites, Gender Benders, Liberals, "Woke" Progressives) and from the inside (Heretical Jesuits, Modernists, Lukewarm/Milquetoast Catholics).

Our remedy to these threats are to publicly speak out against the evils of these enemies, to try to convert them, and if we fail to do that, we will try to subvert and resist them.

We will do this by standing in solidarity with one another, and using our combined forces (with God's assistance) to defeat the enemies of His Church.
