
White Nationalism Is Inferior To The Social Kingship Of Christ

The Catholic State

White Nationalism Is Inferior To The Social Kingship Of Christ

White Nationalism Does Address Legitimate Concerns

White nationalism is an ideology that a lot of young, white, mostly male, Catholics are getting into.

Having gotten into the alt-right myself a few years back, I can certainly understand why.

In a recent article, I was critical of white nationalism because of the heresies some white nationalist Catholics are falling into.

I won’t take that back, since I was defending Catholic teaching.

I will, however, talk about the legitimate concerns white nationalism is reacting to.

Moreover, I will show how the Social Kingship of Christ will solve these problems.

The Social Kingship of Christ will also solve problems that white nationalism itself doesn’t even address!

Thus, the Social Kingship of Christ is the superior solution to the legitimate concerns that white nationalists have.

And it is my hope that the Holy Ghost will lead any Catholic white nationalist to read this article and come to the same conclusion.

What Are The Legitimate Concerns Of White Nationalism?

White nationalism comes from the awareness that Western Civilization is under attack.

My whole website is focused around the restoration of Christendom because I realize Western Civilization is under attack, so I sympathize.

Moreover, white nationalists fear that a part of this destruction of Western Civilization is the replacement of white people.

To say they are wrong would just be gaslighting.

Yes, the demographics of white people in countries with traditionally white populations is quickly changing.

If things don’t change, whites will become minorities in all Eurocentric countries. These are just facts.

How is this happening? The attack is twofold:

Firstly, white people are genociding themselves by using contraception and choosing abortion.

Secondly, uncontrolled immigration is allowing an influx of non-white immigrants to supplant the decreasing population of whites.

In addition to the white-replacement fear, white nationalists are also aware that non-whites are overrepresented in virtually all types of crime.

Again, this is just a fact.

Adding to these woes, is the focus of diversity, equity and inclusion, in addition to multiculturalism, by the elites.

And by the “elites” I mean the Jews and freemasons, of course!

In other words, these “elites” are further marginalizing white people in their own historical countries by telling them they should take a back seat to the non-whites and accept being replaced.

And you cannot argue that this is not happening, unless you are a liar or woefully ignorant!

So yeah, white nationalists have legitimate concerns, and of course they are looking for a solution.

They are also looking for unity in a group they belong to, since they feel kicked aside.

But the Social Kingship of Christ addresses all these concerns, and then some, as I will now show.

The Social Kingship Of Christ As The Solution

In this section we will go over the problems white nationalists have and show how the Social Kingship of Christ will solve it.

On Low Birth Rates Of White People

Firstly, white nationalists are afraid that white people are genociding themselves through miscegenation, birth control, and abortion.

I will quickly address the miscegenation first: The bad news is that Catholic teaching doesn’t apply here.

Catholicism simply doesn’t teach that miscegenation is immoral, whatsoever.

The good news is that miscegenation rates are low, and will likely get lower if the birth control, abortion and uncontrolled immigration problems are handled.

Regarding birth control and abortion, I have talked about these before, and the Catholic Church prohibits them.

And in the Social Kingship of Christ, both of these are illegal.

Thus, this would mean that all whites would follow God’s plan and be fruitful and multiply (unless they take a vow of chastity, of course)!

On Immigration

Secondly, white nationalists want to stop the flood of immigrants from displacing whites in their own historic homelands.

As I have said before, the Catholic Church teaches that migration is natural right.

That being said, the Church also says that the State has a right to determine how many, if any, immigrants it allows in.

Historically, under the Social Kingship of Christ, immigration is very heavily controlled for the greater good.

The Catholic States in the early 20th Century, under Francisco Franco and Antonio Salazar were notorious for reducing the population of their respective countries because of their immigration control.

And of course, Catholic Monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella issued the Alhambra Decree, which expelled the Jews from Spain because they refused to convert.

The Church has never criticized these leaders for their migration policies either.

The Social Kingship of Christ prudently keeps out criminals, anti-Catholics, and those who would just come in for hand outs while refusing to participate in society.

Moreover, the Social Kingship of Christ doesn’t allow a disruption to the work economy or culture by allowing too many immigrants.

Such an act would be an act of hate against the rights of the populace.

And Catholic teaching is that you cannot do evil that good comes from it.

Thus, violating the rights of the populace would not be acceptable in order to accommodate the natural rights of the migrants.

Therefore, it would be absurd to worry about an “immigration problem” in the Social Kingship of Christ.

On Crime

Thirdly, white nationalists are concerned about the overrepresentation of non-whites in committing crime.

This is also addressed in the Social Kingship of Christ.

First of all, many modern Judeo-Freemasonic secular laws are too lenient for violent and sexual crimes.

In the Social Kingship of Christ, the penalties for committing violent and sexual crimes were much more than a short jail sentence.

Historically, Catholic States administered corporal and capital punishment for crimes.

Serious crimes, like rape, would get you the death penalty.

Popes themselves ordered executions of criminals several times in history.

Repeat offenders of mid-level crimes, like theft, would get you a corporal punishment, like being whipped or maimed.

The stiff penalties for committing crime in the Social Kingship of Christ should deter many.

But Catholic social teaching wouldn’t permit punishing or deporting people just because they are non-white.

No, the Catholic State would punish or deport criminals to protect society, and if the criminals happen to be disproportionally non-white, then so be it.

Thus, high crime rates wouldn’t be a concern in the Social Kingship of Christ.

On Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, And Multiculturalism

Fourthly, white nationalists are concerned with being treated like strangers in their own land.

I have said this before, but the diversity, equity, inclusion, and multiculturalism stuff is all Jewish nonsense.

It all came from Jewish intellectuals in the Frankfurt School, and has been pushed by them and their freemason allies into Western Civilization.

It should go without saying, but in the Social Kingship of Christ, all Jewish and freemasonic influence is outlawed.

In the Social Kingship of Christ, not only is the national religion Catholic, but the culture is Catholic as well.

There can be no push for multiculturalism, but rather, only a push for Catholic culturalism into multiple cultures.

Along with this, there can be no push for equity.

Equity denies natural order, which is that God created us with different aptitudes, talents and tendencies.

Instead, the only fair way to do things, is to allow equal opportunity in work and play.

This means the cream will rise to the top, as intended by God, and the rest will take their natural place.

Pope Leo XIII said this regarding equality:

in accordance with the teachings of the Gospel, the equality of men consists in this: that all, having inherited the same nature, are called to the same most high dignity of the sons of God, and that, as one and the same end is set before all, each one is to be judged by the same law and will receive punishment or reward according to his deserts. The inequality of rights and of power proceeds from the very Author of nature, “from whom all paternity in heaven and earth is named.”

Quod Apostolici Muneris

Moreover, there can be no push for diversity and inclusion outside of what is considered normal and decent.

Diverse opinion and inclusion of peoples can only exist in as much as they conform to Catholic teaching.

There can be no public sodomites, genderbenders, and other sexual deviants bringing their viewpoints to the table.

Moreover, no heretics, schismatics, Jews, freemasons, or criminals can be allowed to affect public discourse.

Thus, in the Social Kingship of Christ, the only culture is a Catholic culture, and diversity and inclusion aren’t forced and stay within the bounds of Catholic social and moral teaching.

And equity will be discarded, with prejudice, in favor of equal opportunity.

Other Things That White Nationalism Does Not Cover

White nationalism doesn’t even go into other ills of society, like the destruction of the family and sexual deviancy.

In the Social Kingship of Christ, pornography, sodomite “marriage”, divorce, and sex-reassignment surgeries or therapy would be illegal.

Moreover, fornication, sodomy, genderbenderism, and feminism would be condemned.

All of these things are harmful to the family unit and scandalize children.

Anything that is harmful to the family unit and children would be condemned.

But Why Can’t I Be Both A Catholic And White Nationalist?

Well… You can. But you have to moderate the extremes of white nationalism to conform to Catholicism.

Like I said in my last article, the more extreme ideas in white nationalism are heretical.

And you should know that obstinate heresy leads to eternal damnation of your soul.

So with those kind of risks, why would you even bother?

Also, your time is limited, so why would you focus on pushing both white nationalism and the Social Kingship of Christ, when pushing only one would be way more efficient?

And of course, the Social Kingship of Christ solves more problems, so it is undoubtedly superior.

Plus the Social Kingship of Christ merits God’s Blessing, since it fully submits to Him.

But even all that aside, think about it this way:

Why do you even need to syncretize Catholicism and white nationalism at all, if Catholicism alone solves all these problems?

Please do your soul a favor, and meditate and pray on that.

Will White Nationalism Actually Solve The Problems?

Like I said in previous sections, white nationalism solves some problems but leaves very important social problems untouched.

And this gets to the crux of the problem:

The problem we are seeing with the fall of Western Civilization is not a natural problem.

Rather, it is a supernatural problem.

Western Civilization started its fall when white men started rejecting Christ and His Church.

So the seeds of the fall of Western Civilization happened in the 16th century when white Protestants rejected God’s Church.

Then in the “Age of Enlightenment” (which wasn’t enlightened) white men started rejecting God’s morality in favor of their own desires (this is when freemasonry created liberalism).

Next, sometime in the late 19th Century, Christians started seeing the Jews as basically being the same as the Old Testament Hebrews (they are not), and let them have power and influence.

And it has just been downhill from there. My fellow white people, we brought this on ourselves.

The problem came from us rejecting God and His Church.

And the solution will be us mass converting back to His Church and fighting for the Social Kingship of Christ.

White nationalism isn’t the answer because it doesn’t solve everything, and leaves God out, thus not welcoming His Blessing.

So please, after reading this, pray on it, meditate on it, convert, and give up white nationalism.

Then join me in fighting for the Social Kingship of Christ, which will be best not only for white people, but all people!

Deus vult!


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