What Is the Sin Of Sodom?
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Sodom In The Bible
It has come to my attention that the sin of Sodom is apparently unclear to Modernists.
To clarify, the grave sin of sodomy (itself named after Sodom) is oral or anal sex; or bestiality.
Most people know this, but Modernists heretically deny that God punished Sodom for this sin.
These Modernists maintain, instead, that God destroyed Sodom for inhospitality.
Let’s explore this claim by looking at what Scripture says.
Genesis 13:13
And the men of Sodom were very wicked, and sinners before the face of the Lord, beyond measure.
Genesis 13:13

Genesis 19:1-25
[1] And the two angels came to Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gate of the city. And seeing them, he rose up and went to meet them: and worshipped prostrate to the ground, [2] And said: I beseech you, my lords, turn in to the house of your servant, and lodge there: wash your feet, and in the morning you shall go on your way. And they said: No, but we will abide in the street. [3] He pressed them very much to turn in unto him: and when they were come into his house, he made them a feast, and baked unleavened bread and they ate: [4] But before they went to bed, the men of the city beset the house both young and old, all the people together. [5] And they called Lot, and said to him: Where are the men that came in to thee at night? bring them out hither that we may know them:
[6] Lot went out to them, and shut the door after him, and said: [7] Do not so, I beseech you, my brethren, do not commit this evil. [8] I have two daughters who as yet have not known man: I will bring them out to you, and abuse you them as it shall please you, so that you do no evil to these men, because they are come in under the shadow of my roof. [9] But they said: Get thee back thither. And again: Thou camest in, said they, as a stranger, was it to be a judge? therefore we will afflict thee more than them. And they pressed very violently upon Lot: and they were even at the point of breaking open the doors. [10] And behold the men put out their hand, and drew in Lot unto them, and shut the door:
[11] And them that were without, they struck with blindness from the least to the greatest, so that they could not find the door. [12] And they said to Lot: Hast thou here any of thine? son in law, or sons, or daughters, all that are thine bring them out of this city: [13] For we will destroy this place, because their cry is grown loud before the Lord, who hath sent us to destroy them. [14] So Lot went out, and spoke to his sons in law that were to have his daughters, and said: Arise: get you out of this place, because the Lord will destroy this city. And he seemed to them to speak as it were in jest. [15] And when it was morning, the angels pressed him, saying: Arise, take thy wife, and the two daughters which thou hast: lest thou also perish in the wickedness of the city.
[16] And as he lingered, they took his hand, and the hand of his wife, and of his two daughters, because the Lord spared him. [17] And they brought him forth, and set him without the city: and there they spoke to him, saying: Save thy life: look not back, neither stay thou in all the country about: but save thyself in the mountain, lest thou be also consumed. [18] And Lot said to them: I beseech thee my Lord, [19] Because thy servant hath found grace before thee, and thou hast magnified thy mercy, which thou hast shewn to me, in saving my life, and I cannot escape to the mountain, lest some evil seize me, and I die: [20] There is this city here at hand, to which I may flee, it is a little one, and I shall be saved in it: is it not a little one, and my soul shall live?
[21] And he said to him: Behold also in this, I have heard thy prayers, not to destroy the city for which thou hast spoken. [22] Make haste and be saved there, because I cannot do any thing till thou go in thither. Therefore the name of that city was called Segor. [23] The sun was risen upon the earth, and Lot entered into Segor. [24] And the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrha brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven. [25] And he destroyed these cities, and all the country about, all the inhabitants of the cities, and all things that spring from the earth.
Genesis 19:1-25
To clarify, the famous Haydock Commentary explains this passage like this:
Ver. 5. Know them. They boldly proclaim their infamous design.
Ver. 7. This evil, so contrary to the rights of hospitality, and the law of nature.
Ver. 8. Known man. They were neglected, while men were inflamed with desires of each other. See Romans i. (Haydock) — Abuse. Lot tries by every means to divert them from their purpose; being well assured, that they would have nothing to do with his daughters, who were promised to some of the inhabitants. He endeavours to gain time, hoping perhaps that his guests would escape by some back way, while he is talking to the people. (Haydock) —Some allow that, under so great a perturbation of mind, he consented to an action which could never be allowed, though it was a less evil. (Menochius)
Haydock Commentary On Genesis 19
The most important verses to meditate upon here are Genesis 19:5-8.
To clarify, the Bible uses the term “know him/her/them” a lot to refer to sexual relations between people. (See Genesis 4:1).
Again, Haydock says “They boldly proclaim their infamous design.”
Thus, the Sodomites make it clear that they want relations with the angels (who are under the guise of men).
Lot also tries beseeching them to stop.
Haydock calls what the Sodomites are trying to do “contrary to the rights of hospitality, and the law of nature.”
This is where the Modernists would say “aha! The Sodomites are committing the sin of inhospitality!”
Yes, and no. Let me explain.
Yes, it is inhospitable to try to rape men that you have never seen before in your city.
However, it is also the case that men raping other men is committing the grave sin of sodomy.
Thus, it is both true that the Sodomites were guilty of inhospitality and grave impurity!
The Modernists aren’t wrong that the Sodomites were inhospitable; they are just incorrect that this was the only sin the Sodomites were guilty of.

Ezekiel 16:49-50
[49] Behold this was the iniquity of Sodom thy sister, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance, and the idleness of her, and of her daughters: and they did not put forth their hand to the needy, and to the poor. [50] And they were lifted up, and committed abominations before me: and I took them away as thou hast seen.
Ezechiel (Ezekiel) 16:49-50
To clarify, the famous Haydock Commentary explains this passage like this:
That is, these were the steps by which the Sodomites came to fall into those abominations for which they were destroyed. For pride, gluttony, and idleness, are the high road to all kinds of lust; especially when they are accompanied with a neglect of the works of mercy. (Challoner) — These crimes alone are great enough; (Luke xvi. 19.) and the prophets never accuse the Jews of unnatural lust. Hence Ezechiel takes no notice of it here, as he probably refers to the manners of the Moabites, &c., who were then living, Isaias xvi. 6. (Calmet) — Abundance and idleness produce crimes; temperance and labour bring forth good fruit. (Worthington)
Haydock Commentary On Ezekiel 16
In other words, just because the unnatural lust wasn’t mentioned, doesn’t mean it wasn’t one of the abominations that begged the Lord’s vengeance.
Yes, it is true that Sodom committed sins of pride, gluttony, sloth and oppression of the poor, in addition to inhospitality.
But this doesn’t exclude the fact that the Sodomites also committed sodomy, as we will soon find out.
Jude 1:7
As Sodom and Gomorrha, and the neighbouring cities, in like manner, having given themselves to fornication, and going after other flesh, were made an example, suffering the punishment of eternal fire.
Jude 1:7
To clarify, the famous Haydock Commentary explains this passage like this:
Having given themselves over to fornication, or to excessive uncleanness. — Going after other flesh, and seeking unnatural lusts, with those of the same sex. (Witham) — Impurity punished by fire and sulphur. Fire is a punishment proportioned to the criminal passion of the voluptuous. That of Sodom was most dreadful, but then it was of short duration. There is another fire that will never be extinguished.
Haydock Commentary On Jude 1
In other words, St. Jude is saying that God punished Sodom for the sin of unnatural lusts with those of the same sex.
And this is where we are confirmed that the sin of sodomy is one of the reasons God destroyed Sodom.

The Sins Of Sodom
Much more can be said about the matter, but it is clear that the fact is that Sodom was guilty of several sins.
Yes, the Modernists are correct that Sodom was an inhospitable city. Who would want to visit?
The Sodomites were prideful, gluttonous, lazy, aporophobic, and yes, gravely sexually immoral.
Unfortunately, this makes me think of the direction that Western Civilization is going in.
Americans are prideful, and we think that we cannot be dethroned from the world stage.
We are a gluttonous and lazy people (which is why we are obese, effeminate, and weak).
We hate our poor.
Sure, we throw welfare money at them to give them a minimal standard of living, but we don’t really care about helping their souls anymore.
And like Sodom, we parade our sexual immorality for everyone to see.
We ensure that our Sodomites can publicly commit the sin of pride, to add to their pool of grave sins.
And like the Sodomites of old, we are corrupting our youth to ensure that not even the children can live free of grave sin.
I recently did a rosary walk through a Gay Pride Festival and saw near-naked, obese, bodily-mutilated, unrepentant homosexuals pridefully enjoying themselves.
And yes, tons and tons of children were there, indoctrinated with the sins of Sodom.
Of course, none of these people are hospitable towards Christians.
If they cannot corrupt us, then they would rather us be destroyed.
In other words, Sodom is our future.
If we don’t stop the pride, gluttony, sloth, sexual immorality, child-corruption and spiritual neglect of the poor, then God will destroy us.
And we will deserve it.