
The ADL (Anti-Defamation League) Spreads Lies About Catholicism

The Catholic State

The ADL (Anti-Defamation League) Spreads Lies About Catholicism

The ADL Exists To Protect Jewish Interests Only

The ADL even admits that they exist to protect Jewish interests on their website.

If you don’t already know, a couple days ago, Elon Musk announced he was filing a lawsuit against the ADL for defamation (which lead to him losing billions of dollars).

I think everyone who isn’t asleep knows that organized Jewry has a monopoly over the mainstream media, and they are certainly capable of wielding this power to silence people critical of the Jews.

Moreover, it’s pretty clear that the Jewish-controlled mainstream media goes out of it’s way to spread lies about Catholicism.

But the ADL specifically calls for advertisers to boycott free speech, while simultaneously lying about Catholicism, unchecked.

So let us specifically look at where the ADL spreads lies and hate towards Catholicism.

The ADL Spreads Lies And Kvetches About Orthodox Catholics

Firstly, the ADL lies about Nostra Aetate, saying that it changes the teaching on Jews:

Nostra Aetate, the papal document which declared that modern Jews bear no guilt for the death of Christ.

Traditionalist Catholicism

As I have already said, this is false because the distinction Nostra Aetate makes is that Jews that accept Christ bear no guilt, and that Jews that reject Christ, from the First Century until today, do bear the guilt of Deicide!

Secondly, the ADL lies in saying that the Church rejects supersessionism:

The Vatican has also rejected the idea of supersessionism, or the dogma that with the coming of Jesus and the New Testament the Jews’ covenant with God was broken


To the contrary, the Catholic Church assents to supersessionism, and rejects dual-covenant theology!

Moreover, the Catholic Church rejects the false ideology of dispensationalism.

Thirdly, the ADL insinuates that the dogma of “no salvation outside of the Church” is something that only fringe traditional Catholics should assent to:

traditionalist Catholics continue to support [supersessionism] and believe that there is no salvation outside of the Catholic church.


This is false.

Extra ecclesiam nulla salus – “there is no salvation outside of the Church” – is Catholic dogma, and to dissent from it is heresy.

It is most definitely not a fringe position amongst Catholics!

Fourthly, the ADL accuses traditional Catholics of antisemitism, that is, the hatred of Jews based upon their race:

Traditionalist Catholic circles have continued to incorporate explicit antisemitism into their theology, and a number of them may be characterized by a paranoid belief in Jewish conspiracies to undermine the church and Western civilization, as well as other conspiracy theories that are prominent in right-wing extremist subcultures.


As I have said before, Catholics believe that Jews are accursed because the Jews were chosen by God, and then the Jews rejected the Son of God.

This has nothing to do with their race. It’s 100% a theological thing.

And the Jews can change their status with God by converting and recognizing Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior too.

Moreover, us Catholics do not hate the Jews, since hatred of persons is a sin.

Instead, we want them to convert, since conversion can lead to salvation, and wanting salvation for others is the highest form of love.

Fifthly, the ADL intentionally pushes heresy to subvert Catholic teaching on the Jews:

Each summer, ADL hosts its annual Bearing Witness™ Institute in partnership with the National Catholic Educational Association, US Conference of Catholic Bishops, US Holocaust Memorial Museum, and Georgetown University’s Center for Jewish Civilization. Through Bearing Witness, Catholic school educators from across the United States explore the history of anti-Semitism, including the role of the Church during the Holocaust, recent changes in Catholic teachings on Jews and Judaism, issues of prejudice in contemporary society and practical strategies for teaching students about the Holocaust and anti-Semitism.

ADL’s Bearing Witness Institute Equips Catholic Educators with Tools to Confront Anti-Semitism

Did you catch that? The ADL is teaching Catholics about “recent changes in Catholic teachings on Jews”.

In other words, the ADL is complicit in teaching heretical Modernist teachings to otherwise innocent Catholics, and undermining the deposit of Faith!

Sixthly, the ADL defames Catholics for their orthodox Catholic beliefs:

For decades after its founding in 1970, the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), which is the foremost global Traditionalist Catholic organization, continued to preach that contemporary Jews are responsible for deicide, endorsed the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and claimed that there was a factual basis for the medieval blood libel. One of its bishops, Richard Williamson, is a well-known Holocaust denier. In recent years SSPX has moderated its position to some extent, and expelled Bishop Williamson. However, the Traditionalist Catholic movement continues to wrestle with antisemitism and a tendency towards extremism.

One prominent Traditionalist Catholic is filmmaker and antisemite Mel Gibson, whose film, The Passion of the Christ, attracted controversy over its graphic depiction of Jewish responsibility for the death of Jesus.

Traditionalist Catholicism

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) denounced Bishop Bernard Fellay, superior of the Catholic traditionalist Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), as an “unrepentant anti-Semite” after he referred to Jews as “enemies of the church.”

ADL Calls Head Of Catholic Sect An “Unrepentant Anti-Semite” After He Declares Jews “Enemies Of The Church”

E. Michael Jones is an anti-Semitic Catholic writer who promotes the view that Jews are dedicated to
propagating and perpetrating attacks on the Catholic Church and moral standards, social stability, and
political order throughout the world.


The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today called on Pope Benedict XVI and Catholic leaders in the United States to repudiate outrageous anti-Jewish statements by a Greek Melkite Archbishop who contends that Jews are no longer the chosen people of God.

ADL Calls On Catholic Leaders To Repudiate Archbishop’s Anti-Jewish Teachings

And this is only a partial list.

All these people were defamed for publicly taking an orthodox Catholic position on the Jews.

Ban The ADL

In conclusion, the ADL is undoubtedly hostile towards orthodox Catholics.

Ironically, it is an anti-Catholic hate group that has no problems defaming Catholics for being orthodox in their Faith!

It’s sole purpose is to push for Jewish interests and to eliminate any criticism whatsoever (even valid criticism) of Jewry.

It’s completely understandable that a Jewish group would want to protect Jewish interests.

However, since the ADL spreads errors to Christians, practices hypocrisy in regards to defamation, and influences against Christian society, it really has no place in a Christian nation.

Therefore, the ADL has to go.

Us Catholics need to support Elon Musk in his fight against these haters of Christians and Christian society.

Our support and prayers are with you, Mr. Musk! May you defeat this evil enemy of Christ!

Deus vult!


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