Separation Of Church And State is a Subversive Evil
Table of Contents
The Church has Always Condemned the Separation of Church and State
Separation of Church and State is a garbage ideology. We should throw it out with the rest of the trash.
One of the main tenets of The Catholic State will be the reunification of Church and State.
As of today, the separation of Church and State is universal in Western Civilization.
Why does The Catholic State need the unification of Church and State, you ask?
Because without the unification of the Church and State, it wouldn’t be The Catholic State.
Moreover, the Catholic Church has always condemned the separation of Church and State.
All Popes from the early 19th century to the mid 20th century certainly condemned the separation of Church and State.
We will look at the encyclicals of those Popes to prove that the Church has condemned this abhorrent ideology.

Pope Gregory XVI and Pope Blessed Pius IX On the Separation of Church and State
Firstly, in his encyclical On Liberalism and Religious Indifferentism, Pope Gregory XVI writes:
Nor can We predict happier times for religion and government from the plans of those who desire vehemently to separate the Church from the state, and to break the mutual concord between temporal authority and the priesthood. It is certain that that concord which always was favorable and beneficial for the sacred and the civil order is feared by the shameless lovers of liberty.
Mirari Vos
The context of the above quote was in criticizing the errors of liberalism.
Without a doubt, separation of Church and State is one of the main errors of liberalism.
Secondly, Pope Blessed Pius IX rejects separation of Church and State as an error:
The Church ought to be separated from the State, and the State from the Church.
The Syllabus Of Errors
As you can see, this is a pretty damning statement regarding the separation of Church and State.
Pope Leo XIII On the Separation of Church and State
Thirdly, Pope Leo XIII, while criticizing the conditions in Spain, writes:
There are some…who are not satisfied with distinguishing between politics and religion but separate and completely isolate the one from the other;…The moment religion is removed, those principles are of necessity shaken on which the public welfare most of all rests…among the first of which are government with justice and moderation, obedience from a sense of duty, the submission of the passions to the yoke of virtue, to render to each his due, to leave untouched that which is another’s.
Also, while writing On the Church and State in France, Pope Leo XIII writes:
In a word: the ideal of these men would be a return to paganism: the State would recognize the Church only when it would be pleased to persecute her.
It is obvious that what Pope Leo XIII is saying here actually comes to pass in a secular society.
It’s certainly the case that justice, moderation, obedience, a sense of duty, and submission to passions disappears.
The de-Christianization of the West has turned us into unjust, gluttonous, disobedient, lustful, greedy savages.
While criticizing Freemasonry, Pope Leo XIII writes:
By a long and persevering labor, they endeavor to bring about this result – namely, that the teaching office and authority of the Church may become of no account in the civil State; and for this same reason they declare to the people and contend that Church and State ought to be altogether disunited. By this means they reject from the laws and from the commonwealth the wholesome influence of the Catholic religion; and they consequently imagine that States ought to be constituted without any regard for the laws and precepts of the Church.
So unsurprisingly, it’s the enemies of the Church, the Freemasons, that push the separation of Church and State.
In writing On the Christian Constitution of States, Pope Leo XIII writes:
There was once a time when States were governed by the philosophy of the Gospel…and Church and State were happily united in concord and friendly interchange of good offices….Christian Europe has subdued barbarous nations, and changed them from a savage to a civilized condition, from superstition to true worship.
So if the enemies of the Church are pushing separation of Church and State. And that is making us more barbarous. And the solution to European barbarity was the marriage between Christianity and the State. Then it sounds like Pope Leo XIII recommends that we solve our social issues by becoming The Catholic State!
In writing about Liberalism, Pope Leo XII writes:
There are others…who affirm that the morality of individuals is to be guided by the divine law, but not the morality of the State, for that in public affairs the commands of God may be passed over, and may be entirely disregarded in the framing of laws. Hence follows the fatal theory of the need of separation between Church and State. But the absurdity of such a position is manifest…For, since God is the source of all goodness and justice, it is absolutely ridiculous that the State should pay no attention to these laws or render them abortive by contrary enact menu.
This is something every Christian reading this needs to understand.
If you believe God is the source of goodness and justice, then a good and just State should be Christian.
Also, Pope Leo XIII writes:
Next comes the system of those who admit indeed the duty of submitting to God…but who boldly reject all laws of faith and morals which are above natural reason, but are revealed by the authority of God; or who at least impudently assert that there is no reason why regard should be paid to these laws, at any rate publicly, by the State. How mistaken these men also are, and how inconsistent…From this teaching…flows that fatal principle of the separation of Church and State; whereas it is…clear that the two powers…ought nevertheless to live in concord, by harmony in their action and the faithful discharge of their respective duties.
…Many wish the State to be separated from the Church wholly and entirely, so…they would pay no more regard to the Church than if she did not exist; and…would allow the citizens individually to attend to their religion in private if so minded. Against such as these, all the arguments by which We disprove the principle of separation of Church and State are conclusive; with this super-added, that it is absurd the citizen should respect the Church, while the State may hold her in contempt.
We see this happening in our society with so-called “Catholic” politicians.
They call themselves “Catholic”, but they support the murder of unborn children because that’s the policy of the liberal State.
People that do this are damning their own souls and scandalizing others to lead those souls to Hell as well.
Moreover, Pope Leo XIII writes:
Lastly, there remain those who, while they do not approve the separation of Church and State, think nevertheless that the Church ought to adapt herself to the times and conform to what is required by the modern system of government. Such an opinion is sound, if it is to be understood of some equitable adjustment consistent with truth and justice…But it is not so in regard to practices and doctrines which a perversion of morals and a warped judgment have unlawfully introduced. Religion, truth, and justice must ever be maintained; and, as God has intrusted these great and sacred matters to her office as to dissemble in regard to what is false or unjust, or to connive at what is hurtful to religion.
Again, we see this happening today.
Unfortunately, a lot of so-called “Catholics” in the Church today think the Church needs to conform to the World.
That’s not Catholic. We don’t change objective, divinely inspired Truth to accommodate the World. No.
We evangelize the World by proclaiming the divinely inspired Truth without fear or compromise.
Pope Saint Pius X On the Separation of Church and State
Fourthly, Pope St. Pius X wrote 3 encyclicals condemning the separation of Church and State in France:
That the State must be separated from the Church is a thesis absolutely false, a most pernicious error. Based, as it is, on the principle that the State must not recognize any religious cult, it is in the first place guilty of a great injustice to God; for the Creator of man is also the Founder of human societies, and preserves their existence as He preserves our own. We owe Him, therefore, not only a private cult, but a public and social worship to honor Him. Besides, this thesis is an obvious negation of the supernatural order. It limits the action of the State to the pursuit of public prosperity during this life only, which is but the proximate object of political societies; and it occupies itself in no fashion…with their ultimate object which is man’s eternal happiness after this short life shall have run its course.
If any State has separated from the Church, while leaving to her the resource of the liberty common to all and the free disposal of her property, that State has without doubt, and on more than one ground, acted unjustly; but nevertheless, it could not be said that it has created for the Church a situation absolutely intolerable.
Their object is, as we have already pointed out, the destruction of the Church and the dechristianization of France, but without people’s attending to it or even noticing it.
UNE FOIS ENCORE (On the Separation of Church and State)
Similarly to what Pope Leo XIII was saying, this has come to pass. France is barely Catholic these days, unfortunately.
Pope St. Pius X also wrote an encyclical to Portugal condemning the separation of Church and State:
Accordingly, under the admonition of the duty of Our Apostolic office that, in the face of such audacity on the part of the enemies of God, We should most vigilantly protect the dignity and honor of religion and preserve the sacred rights of the Catholic Church, We by our Apostolic authority denounce, condemn, and reject the Law for the Separation of Church and State in the Portuguese Republic. This law despises God and repudiates the Catholic faith
He made it crystal clear here that the Church condemns the separation of Church and State.
Pope Pius XI On the Separation of Church and State
Fifthly, Pope Pius XI, condemning the separation of Church and State in Mexico during the Cristero War, writes:
For our present purposes it is sufficient to point out that after declaring the separation of Church and State the Constitution refuses to recognize in the Church…all her existing rights and interdicts to her the acquisition of any rights whatsoever in the future. The civil authority is given the right to interfere in matters of divine worship and in the external discipline of the Church. Priests are put on the level of professional men and of laborers but with this important difference, that they must be not only Mexicans by birth and cannot exceed a certain number specified by law, but are at the same time deprived of all civil and political rights. They are thus placed in the same class with criminals and the insane.
That was referencing the law that Mexico enacted in 1917. Pope Pius XI promulgated this encyclical in 1926.
By then, the Church in Mexico had no rights, nor did any Catholics have rights to practice Catholicism.
This may be more of an extreme example than the ones for Spain, France and Portugal. But this is still a possibility.
By accepting separation of Church and State we may watch our country whither into Paganism.
Or they may violently oppress us. And we’ll have to practice our Faith underground or face martyrdom.
Like Pope Leo XIII before him, Pope Pius XI criticizes the oppression in Spain, writing:
The new Spanish legislators…wanted a form of separation hostile to the Faith professed by the great majority of citizens, – a separation so much more painful and unjust especially since it was advanced in the name of that liberty promised and assured to all without distinction. Thus they wished to subject the Church and her ministers to measures by which they sought to put her at the mercy of the civil power. In fact, while under the Constitution and successive laws all opinions, even the most erroneous, have wide fields in which to manifest themselves, the Catholic Religion alone, that of almost all of the citizens, see its teaching odiously watched, its schools and other institutions, so helpful for science and Spanish culture, restrained.
So in a liberal republic, after overthrowing the Spanish monarchy, the new leadership had to oppress the Church.
Even though the vast majority of Spain was Catholic at the time, the republican leaders saw this as necessary.
Think about it. The only reason this happens at all is because Catholicism is at odds with “freedom” to do evil.
And allowing evil is exactly what liberal democracies want. That’s what they mean by “freedom.”
Separation of Church and State Has to Go
We have to get rid of the doctrine of separation of Church and State in our country. It’s not Catholic.
And it certainly doesn’t make the world better, either.
If we want to stop our country from degenerating into barbaric Paganism, we have to make it Christian again.
And by Christian I mean Catholic. We need to create The Catholic State.