Church Teaching On The Jews
This is a video presentation similar to my 14 article series on the Church teaching on the Jews.
Watch the full length video above, or watch each part here.
Also, here is the script, if you want to search the text for a specific quote or reference.
*For many of the below resources you can simply use Ctrl+F and do a search for “Jew” or “Juda” in the resource to find the quotes you want.
CHURCH FATHERS: Epistle of Barnabas
Seven Epistles of St. Ignatius of Antioch | EWTN
CHURCH FATHERS: The Martyrdom of Polycarp
CHURCH FATHERS: Dialogue with Trypho (Justin Martyr)
On The Pascha (St. Melito of Sardis)
CHURCH FATHERS: Against Heresies, IV.7 (St. Irenaeus)
CHURCH FATHERS: An Answer to the Jews (Tertullian)
CHURCH FATHERS: Treatise 12, First Book (Cyprian of Carthage)
CHURCH FATHERS: Expository Treatise Against the Jews (Hippolytus)
Didascalia Apostolorum – Jewish Deicide/Condemns Jewish Ritual Practices
On the Incarnation | EWTN (Athanasius)
Sermo 37, The Two Ships (Ambrose)
John Chrysostom, Against the Jews. Homily 1
CHURCH FATHERS: Letter 75 (Augustine) or 112 (Jerome)
Letter 84 (Jerome) – CHURCH FATHERS
Augustine’s “Treatise against the Jews” – Roger Pearse
The City of God (Book XVIII) (Augustine)
Cyril of Alexandria Expels the Jews
POPE GREGORY I, “Letters on the Treatment of Jews” (591, 598) – excerpts
Medieval Sourcebook: Innocent III: Constitution for the Jews (1199 AD)
Third Council of Toledo Removes Jews From Public Offices
Fourth Toledo Council Excommunicates Clergy Supporting Jews
Sixth Through Eleventh Councils of Toledo
Sixteenth Council of Toledo Set to Destroy Fifth Column
Seventeenth Council of Toledo Punishes Jewish Conspiracies with Slavery
Second Council of Nicaea – 787 A.D. – Papal Encyclicals
Leo VII | Pope, Roman Catholic, Reformer | Britannica
Regesta pontificum romanorum, vol.I:3597, Jaffe, Leipzig: 1888
BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX, The Jews and the Second Crusade (1146)
Third Lateran Council – 1179 A.D. – Papal Encyclicals
Migne, Patrologia, CCXV, 1291 Migne. Patrologia Latina
Fourth Lateran Council : 1215 Council Fathers – Papal Encyclicals
First Council of Lyons – 1245 A.D. – Papal Encyclicals
THOMAS AQUINAS, “Letter on the Treatment of Jews” (1271)
De regimine Judaeorum ad ducissam Brabantiae – Thomas Aquinas (sanctus) – Google Books
John XXII and the Expulsion of Jews from the Comtat Venaissin [*] | Cairn International Edition
Vincent Ferrer: STUDY OF THE SERMONS OF ST. VINCENT FERRER, Chabas, Madrid: 1902
Dundum Ad Nostram Audientiam (Eugene IV)
Hebraeorum gens (Pius V): the Church on the Jews
26 February 1569 Pope Pius V expels Jews unless they become Roman Catholics
Pope Clement VIII expels the Jews: Caeca et Obdurata
Expulsions and exoduses of Jews – Wikipedia
Pope Benedict XIV – A Quo Primum – On Jews and Christians Living in the Same Place
The Passion and the Death of Jesus Christ
Disputation of Paris – Wikipedia
Christian-Jewish Relations: Burning of the Talmud
Innocent IV – Letter to King Louis IX of France, May 9, 1244
Jewish Talmud in English (you can also search by book/passages): Sefaria
Toledot Yeshu – English Translation (Shows Talmud is really blashpeming Jesus Christ)
Church History (Socrates Scholasticus) – Book VII
Medieval Sourcebook: Thomas of Monmouth: The Life and Miracles of St. William of Norwich, 1173
The Life and Miracles of St. William of Norwich, 1173
Harold of Gloucester – Wikipedia
Jocelin of Brakelond: Chronicle of The Abbey of St. Edmund’s (1173-1202)
Dominguito del Val – Wikipedia
Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln – Wikipedia
Werner of Oberwesel – Wikipedia
Passovers of Blood – Wikipedia
Holy Child of La Guardia – Wikipedia
The Jew, Judaism, and the Judaization of the Christian Peoples
Pope Pius IX and Judaism – Wikipedia
La Civiltà Cattolica, Series XIV, Vol. VII, Fascicule 961, 23 October 1890
An Act of Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
THEODOR HERZL: Audience with Pope Pius X (1904)
The New Jerusalem, by G. K. Chesterton
The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Jews, by Hilaire Belloc
Pope Benedict XV Spokesman To Zionists
Maximilian Kolbe to the Masons: You Are Controlled by the Jews
Pope Pius XI – Humani Generis Unitas – Draft
The Kingship of Christ and The Conversion of the Jewish Nation
The Padre Pio citation: from THE CALVARY OF PADRE PIO by Joseph Pagnossin, 1978 Padua, Italy, page 91.
Maurice Pinay: The Plot Against The Church (1962)
ADL – Traditionalist Catholicism
Catholic Encyclopedia – Judaism
Karl Marx in the Ludwig Rosenberger Library of Judaica
Was the Russian Revolution Jewish? – The Jerusalem Post
A Jew in Mao’s China – The Forward
Psychosexual development – Wikipedia
Frankfurt School: The Jewish Intellectuals Who Made the 60’s
Jewish Dominance Of The African Slave Trade
In haunted Salem, a Jewish church founder preaches the art of ‘Satanic’ social change
Roth v. United States – Wikipedia
Miller v. California – Wikipedia
Feminism | Jewish Women’s Archive
Second-wave feminism – Wikipedia
Kosher Nostra: The Life and Times of Jewish Gangsters in the United States
New York’s 4 Most Famous Jewish Gangsters
Jewish-American organized crime
Hollywood: An Empire of Their Own – Wikipedia
Jews in the history of American film – Wikipedia
Who runs Hollywood? C’mon – Los Angeles Times
Jews in Comic Books | My Jewish Learning
22 Christmas Songs by Jewish Writers and Performers | Wealth of Geeks
Rhythm and blues: How Jews promoted and popularized Black music
Jewish influence in rhythm and blues – Wikipedia
List of Jewish American businesspeople in media – Wikipedia
List of Jewish American businesspeople in finance – Wikipedia
History of investment banking in the United States – Wikipedia
Jews in the Biden Administration
Jews in the Trump Administration
‘I love Israel,’ professes Trump in speech to Republican Jewish Coalition
Netanyahu On America: Shockwaves (Part III) | VT Archives | Alternative Foreign Policy Media
Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11
Gaza parish priest: ‘I knew victims of attack on Catholic church’
AIPAC Endorses The Majority Of Candidates
Libertarianism, Jews, and the Future of the Two-Party System
Cannabis and Judaism – Wikipedia
Is weed the Chosen People’s drug of choice? These artifacts suggest it may be | The Times of Israel
Who are the Jews behind the coronavirus vaccines? – The Jerusalem Post
Media tycoon Rupert Murdoch marries Jewish scientist Elena Zhukova
Abortion Views by Religious Affiliation
Do Abortion Bans Violate Jews’ Religious Rights?
Conservative Rabbis Strongly Condemn U.S. Supreme Court Decision to Overturn Abortion Rights
Not all religions oppose abortion
Study finds widespread history of sexual abuse among formerly Orthodox – Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Keeping Children Safe in the Catholic Church
How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel – CBS News
Israel is trying to legalize pedophilia – Avi Maoz – Israel News – The Jerusalem Post