
Catholic Action – How To get Started

The Catholic State

Catholic Action – How To get Started

How To Get Started In Catholic Action

In the past few years I have been heavily involved with Catholic Action.

I believe that the focus of Catholic laity should be to restore Christendom (aka “The Social Kingship of Christ”).

The only way to do this is through Catholic Action.

In this article I will show you what I have learned through my experiences in planning, organizing, recruiting, promoting, leading (and following), and participating in Catholic Action these past few years.

God willing, the sharing of my experience will help both inspire you and educate you on how to get started in Catholic Action.

What Is Catholic Action?

The first step, of course, is in knowing what Catholic Action even is.

What is it then?

Catholic action is when the laity takes public action in order to affect cultural, social, and political change in society, for the purpose of changing society to be more compliant to Christian morality.

Do You Need Permission In Taking Catholic Action?

No. The Catholic Church has already given the laity express permission to undertake Catholic Action by their own accord.

I go into more detail in this linked article here.

Are You Called To Get Things Started?

I’ve been Catholic for over 6 years now.

Even as a Catechumen, I felt the call from God to build an army for Him.

Moreover, I felt the call to fight for Him, out of love for Him.

Why? I don’t know. God has His ways. I didn’t ask for it. I was asked by Him.

Thus, I would recommend you reading this to discern if God wants you to organize Catholic Action for Him.

If you are thinking this will bring you glory, then this isn’t for you. This will only bring God glory.

Don’t organize a Catholic Action initiative out of pride, boredom, or even just because you are looking for some way to be helpful.

No. To organize Catholic Action you must be called by God. You will know it if you are.

And if you’re not, don’t be envious of someone who God has called.

Instead, accept God’s will, and help that person.

You can still participate in Catholic Action if you weren’t called to lead it.

And God will reward you for your humility for helping those whom He has called.

Read Essential Books About Catholic Action

Assuming you are called to be a Catholic Action leader, you must understand the war we are fighting.

I recommend reading pretty much any Encyclical by Pope Leo XIII, since he focuses on Catholic social teaching.

Also, read Action by Jean Ousset.

Moreover, read Revolution and Counter-Revolution by Plinio CorrĂȘa de Oliveira.

Finally, read The Kingship of Christ and Organized Naturalism by Fr. Denis Fahey.

I believe these will at the very least give you a good understanding of Catholic Action and the Social Kingship of Christ.

Know Your Enemy

We are called Church Militant for a reason. It is because we are all called to be soldiers in God’s army.

We are at war with the enemies of God.

Yes, Christ tells us to love our enemies, but nonetheless, we have enemies.

First and foremost, our main enemy is ourselves. Yes, that’s right! Our concupiscence is our enemy.

Cowardice, lukewarmness, laziness, pride, envy, anger, and other sins will all stand against us in taking Catholic Action.

We must overcome these through prayer, meditation, fasting, and penance.

Yes, you will not succeed in Catholic Action if your interior life is a mess!

Saints get their grace from God to be heroic, and don’t rely on natural virtue alone.

Secondly, Satan and his demons are your main spiritual enemy.

Every time you make progress in the planning, organizing, promoting, or recruiting in Catholic Action, Satan will lay a trap for you.

Just acknowledge this will happen. Plan for it.

And when it comes (and it will) deal with it by appealing to God for help.

He will help you overcome Satan’s snares.

Thirdly, your main temporal enemy is Organized Naturalism, under Judeo-Masonry.

Jews in particular run the mainstream media and push all the anti-Christian movements (communism, porn, abortion, feminism, sexual revolution, sodomy, critical theory, etc.).

And most social/economic/political leaders/influencers that aren’t Jewish are Freemasons (or at least follow Judeo-Freemasonic ideologies), which are essentially anti-Christ, Judaized gentiles.

Who Should Be In The Inner Circle Of A Catholic Action Group?

At some point, you will probably want to create an inner circle to help you lead, organize, recruit, promote, etc.

Thus, you must choose wisely when it comes to who is recruited for your inner circle.

Just like Judeo-Masonry is the main temporal enemy of Catholics, people that are influenced by their ideologies (or reactionary ideologies) are dangerous to Catholic Action groups.

Be mindful of this.

Judaized “Catholics” and Freemasonic “Catholics” should not be considered for the inner circle of a Catholic Action group.

Similarly any “Catholic” that prioritizes naturalistic ideologies shouldn’t be considered for a Catholic Action group inner circle.

This could be “leftist” ideologies (communism, porn, abortion, feminism, sexual revolution, sodomy, critical theory, etc.).

And this could also be “far-right” ideologies (Naziism, white nationalism, etc.).

Also, “Catholics” who prioritize science (evolution, heliocentrism, etc.) can disrupt Catholic Action.

Why are all these “Catholics” bad for Catholic Action?

Because they all prioritize something natural over the supernatural, and Catholic Action is supposed to get the natural world to submit to the supernatural.

Make sure every man you add to your inner circle assents to all Catholic social teaching, and prioritizes it over anything naturalistic and worldly.

Also, on a positive note, try to surround yourself with people that are better than you in different things.

Find men that are holier, smarter, better at planning, promoting, organizing, recruiting, have talents that you don’t, and even accept men that are better leaders than you!

This could mean that someone else rises up to be the leader, and you have to step down.

But it’s okay because God will love your humility. This is about God’s glory, not yours.

You should want the group to have the best men it can have, for the love of God!

Your Catholic Action Group Will Likely Be Very Small At First

When I started this website a few years ago, it was just me.

I have had other people contribute, but the majority of my content still comes from me.

As far as my offline efforts, I have created a few young adult groups and men’s groups.

Starting out, those groups had less than 10 people. And they did so for a while.

Similarly, when I organized the first Sodomite Pride Parade Reparations Rosary in 2022, it was 3 other guys and me.

Don’t get me wrong, in all these efforts, I contacted dozens of people.

But it’s just the reality that most won’t join you in the beginning.

Don’t let it get you down.

If it is God’s will that you organize a Catholic Action group, this is just another snare of Satan.

If it is truly God’s will for you to organize a large Catholic Action initiative, it will happen, but you must pray, work, and persevere.

God will send more people to join you, as long as you don’t give up.

How Do You Get People To Come With You?

This part is simple, but not easy for everyone. I used to be in sales and in various rock bands in my life.

So I have had to promote things a lot in my life. Here’s how you do it:

  1. You get the contact info (phone number or email address) of every Catholic man you know
  2. You send all these men a message a couple months ahead of your event, telling them what the event is, where it’s at (address), why you are meeting (rosary, procession, speaking event, etc.), dress code, etc.
  3. Then you resend that message to all those men a month out
  4. Again, you resend the message to all those men 2 weeks out
  5. You resend the message to all those men 1 week out
  6. Again, you resend the message to all those men a few days out
  7. Finally, you resend the message to all those men a day before
  8. You could optionally send the message more frequently

That’s very simple, no? But it’s not easy for everyone. Why?

Most people feel like they are “bugging” others by sending repeated invitations over and over.

But guess what? It works! This is how you do it!

Unfortunately, you have to get over your fear of “bugging” people.

Honestly, that “fear” is just a snare of the devil anyways…

Most people don’t feel bugged, but rather appreciate the reminder (people get busy and forget about things).

If you want people to come to your event, you must keep your event top of mind to all the Catholic men you think may be interested.

What Kind Of Catholic Action Should You Do?

This just depends on what you feel called to do.

My Catholic Action Group has organized Reparations Rosary Rallies at Sodomite Pride Festivals.

We have also put together educational talks regarding Catholic social teaching and invited Catholic men.

There have been talks of creating databases of Catholic businesses to support and anti-Catholic businesses to condemn.

If I could do it, I would create a modern Legion of Decency to push back against anti-Christian shows, movies, comics, music, etc.

I have this website, which is a form of Catholic Action.

I write articles, create videos, songs, podcasts and other things to promote the Social Kingship of Christ and to fight God’s enemies.

There are all kinds of things you can organize to promote the Social Kingship of Christ and to fight against organized naturalism.

If God Is Calling You, Then Get Started With Catholic Action

This should be enough to get you started down the road for fighting for the Social Kingship of Christ.

Remember, Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, not us, so we are merely soldiers fighting in His army.

You won’t change the world by yourself, or with your group.

However, Jesus Christ can change the world by using your group.

Fight, and fight hard! But stay humble, and remember that all glory goes to God!

May God bless you and Mary keep you! Deus vult! Viva Cristo Rey! Christ is King!


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Read More About The Social Kingship Of Christ