
All Catholics Need To Quit Attacking One Another

The Catholic State

All Catholics Need To Quit Attacking One Another

Attacking Your Brother Means We All Lose

I have recently been a witness to Catholics attacking other Catholics.

A couple of times I was the target of the attack; other times I wasn’t.

The bizarre thing is that in all of these instances, I was just trying get Catholics together in solidarity.

I am not trying to exalt myself here, though.

There have certainly been many instances where I have attacked other Catholics. Mea culpa!

But whether it is a fellow Catholic or I attacking another Catholic, it needs to stop!

Right now, our Church is in a dark time.

Enemies surround the Church and have overrun it from within.

It seems like a dire situation, but here’s the thing: We have God, and they don’t.

However, when we attack each other, this clearly doesn’t come from God.

No. It comes from Satan, who is causing infighting to distract us from the real enemies.

But who are our enemies, you say?

Well, both on the outside and inside, we have people pushing:

Liberalism, feminism, socialism/communism, separation of Church and state, sodomy, transgenderism, contraception, abortion, fornication, masturbation and porn-addiction.

Of course, the mainstream media calumniates us as well!

The point is – we clearly have enough enemies!

Faithful practicing Catholics need not step up to the plate to become another enemy to their brothers.

Alas, this is what happens more often than not.

And I would submit that this is a big reason why we keep losing to the enemies of the Church.

Let’s look at some particulars regarding Catholics attacking each other, shall we?

I am going to go over a few things that have happened recently to illustrate what we shouldn’t do.

Catholics Attacking Each Other For Using Strong Language

I see this a lot, doing what I do.

Yes, I admit that I have a tendency to use strong language to make a point.

This is certainly not everyone’s cup of tea, but as I have shown before, many Saints used strong language.

For instance, many Saints used the word “sodomites” to refer to unrepentant homosexuals.

I recently used strong language to refer to unrepentant homosexuals.

Instead of standing in solidarity with me, I was attacked by my fellow Catholics.

Now, I don’t say this to garner sympathy from you, my dear reader; I accept my cross.

I simply bring up these attacks because they are important to illustrate my point.

My goal in using strong language, and I assume this is the case of the Saints, was to shame morally reprehensible actions.

Many people will respond here by saying that I am not a Saint, nor a Pope, bishop or priest.

This is true. I see myself as a “recovering sinner.”

I want to be a Saint one day (and I hope that you do too).

And how exactly do we become Saints? By imitating Saints, of course!

Thus, since many Saints used strong language when talking about obstinate public sinning, it seems prudent to follow their lead.

The point I am making here is that if I, or any fellow Catholic, uses strong words to attack sin, don’t attack the person defending Catholic teaching.

Because by attacking me for using strong language, you have essentially assented to Satan’s call.

You have given your “fiat” to Satan, and shown that you prefer to shoot your brother, rather than stand beside him.

Catholics Attacking Each Other For Making Minor Errors

This is another thing that happens a lot.

For instance, this week a fellow Catholic attacked me because in my GayQ article a study I referenced regarding 28% of homosexuals having 1000+ partners was limited to San Francisco.

The sentence I wrote to reference this study made it seem like I was saying that 28% of homosexuals all over the world have 1000+ partners.

He showed me a different study that showed that homosexuals have more like 3 times as many partners as heterosexuals, on average.

My point was that homosexuals have significantly more partners than average, and that’s still the case.

And again, I bring this up, not to have you throw a pity party, but so that we can learn how this interaction was counterproductive.

But the reason that I am bringing this up in this article is that this Catholic man was aggressively attacking me over a minor error that didn’t even change the conclusion.

Wouldn’t it have been better to stand by my side, as a fellow Catholic, and be in solidarity against the horrors of sodomy?

When the horrors of sodomy are leading so many people into temporal misery and souls into Hell, what is the point in attacking someone you agree with?

We are fighting a spiritual war against the forces of evil.

What kind of soldier turns to his side in a war and shoots his fellow soldier?

Shouldn’t we be focus-firing on the enemy?

And I see this all the time…

Fellow Catholics “correcting” each other in public, while the enemies of the Church watch, and laugh, about the petty infighting.

How is this fruitful to win the war against the enemies of Christ?

Catholics Attacking Each Other for Being Too Traditional

This is yet another thing that needs to cease and desist.

I am traditional. If you read my articles, you know this. I don’t hide it.

However, there is a perverse, hateful form of Modernism in the Church that wants to eradicate those that stand with Tradition.

Now, the Modernists themselves are heretics.

I don’t make this judgement call myself; Pope St. Pius X made this judgement call over a century ago.

But there also exists orthodox Catholics, who, while they don’t oppose any Church teachings themselves, they loathe those that openly and unapologetically profess Tradition.

These are the types that shame and make fun of those like myself that publicly denounce sexual sins and other sins that are too “politically incorrect” to mention publicly.

They privately agree with people like me, but when someone like me professes that sodomy, for instance, is gravely evil, these people publicly admonish us for defending the Faith.

These people are honestly some of the worst Catholics because they are watching for any of their brothers to profess the Truth, and as soon as they see them do so they open fire on their brother.

Catholics like this will make fun of orthodox Catholics for being “rad trads.”

They will laugh and mock the “rad trads” for “tradsperging”, while simultaneously being silent when Modernists promote immorality.

These people are always available to hypocritically virtue signal by harshly judging their fellow Catholic that professes the Truth.

They do this by saying: “Stop being judgmental!”

Then judge you, and turn you into the bad guy for hating sin.

They shame and cancel you, and then accommodate the one that wants to destroy the Church.

Hypocrites! Woe to those that call good, evil and evil, good. Christ shall vomit the lukewarm out of His mouth!

Catholics Attacking Those In Different Traditional Camps

This is the last thing I want to talk about.

I use the terms “traditional” or “orthodox” when talking about Catholics sometimes.

I use these terms to refer to Catholics that profess the Faith as it has always been believed everywhere, by all.

This is a pretty broad scope when it comes to “traditional camps.”

Catholics that attend the Novus Ordo, Diocesan Latin Mass, FSSP, SSPX, Eastern Rite, etc. could all fit this definition.

And as long as you are a practicing Catholic that professes the Faith and morality of the Church as it has always been, I consider you my brother in Christ!

But many people aren’t “tradcumenical”.

I see it often the case online that trads, who profess the Faith, attack each other.

Also, I saw it in my personal life the other day when some trad friends attacked each other.

This has to stop. I don’t care which Mass or trad society you adhere to.

Honestly, this shouldn’t be your priority either.

Go ahead and attend whatever Mass, wherever, but do so as my brother in Christ!

I want to be in solidarity with you. I am not saying liturgical issues aren’t important.

However, I am saying that us being in solidarity and fraternity with each other to fight the enemies of the Church is more important.

So we need to work on a cease fire. United we stand; divided we fall.

And we have been failing for the past 60 years or so because Satan has us fighting against each other.

Please, let this infighting cease!

I would like to see a movement of young Catholic men, who profess the Faith, come together in solidarity.

Once this happens, we will be a strong enough to make Christ the King of our society again! Deus vult!


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